Beautiful, practical textiles and products for the kitchen make everything easier and more enjoyable.
We have a carefully selected range to suit everyone's food habits, interests, and needs. Our classics are timeless, well-known patterns in their original form, and we also have patterns developed with a fresh expression and new color schemes.
How do you choose? When you're moving into your own first home, having a list of everything you need in the kitchen can be helpful. After a while, you'll appreciate having an apron, potholders, and oven mitts on hand. They save your clothes and hands, and you look neat. If you've had your home for a while, you might want to renew and change things up, and perhaps a wishlist is fitting here too. New kitchen towels always feel nice, and why not invest in a new tin canister with a classic pattern. Take a closer look at the new-old "Pinnebär" pattern; it looks great on both a canister and kitchen towel!
In our store, there's a lot to discover for your kitchen, and we launch new items every spring and fall. If you need advice or assistance, we're here to help through our customer service.
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